Download Minecraft 1.16.201

Download Minecraft PE 1.16.201 FULL version for Android you can here. Mojang fixed 5 bugs in the game. For example: problems with launch on Windows 10 devices, crashing the game, bug with shulker box, bug with menu buttons, crashes on Android. Unfortunatly nothing new were added, but I strong recommend to update version of the game. Recommendation for Windows 10 users: If you have any issue with your platform Mojang highly recommend to update your graphical drivers. After many many cases it can solve your problems. For example many players complain on crashes while the game opening. What bugs were fixed in v.1.16.201? crash after creating new world on Android platforms crash on Windows 10 platforms crash related to the chest bug with Shulker Box bug with main menu NOTE! If you have any bugs to share you can do this on official website ...