
Showing posts from July, 2021

Minecraft pe rtx

Minecraft Pe/Bedrock edition shaders pack including 3d blocks  This is Evil gamerz presenting the shaders pack that took him alot of time to make this rtx for the YouTube  Community  Few photos  BOOKSHELF  OBSIDIAN  SOLAR PANELS And much ,much more I hope this post helped you and I hope ypu are SUBSCRIBED  to Evil gamerz  if you are not here is the link  Evil gamerz Keep well,wear a mask at all times and we shall defeat COVID-19  😁😷 For more information contact me Watch this video before downloading : Downloads  β–ͺ  Evil gamerz shaderz β–ͺ  Shaderz+Mansion

Minecraft pe 1.17.10

New Features: Candles Candles are now available in the game! Can be placed in clusters up to four and lit using Flint & Steel Put a Candle on a Cake and make a wish! Candles can be crafted using a Honeycomb and String Combine with dye on a crafting grid to craft different colored Candles Potted Azaleas Added potted Azalea and Flowering Azalea variants Just place an Azalea in a Flower Pot! Experimental Gameplay: Experimental features from Caves & Cliffs: Part II are available in this update and can be enabled on the world creation screen! Please keep in mind that these features are work in progress, still under in development, and subject to change. If you activate them, your world might crash, break, or not work with future updates. Experimental features cannot be turned off after world creation. For more information, please see the article about enabling experimental features World height now goes up to 320 blocks and down to -64 blocks New surface biomes including...